Thursday, 30 April 2015

Gamification and Urban Spaces: only a week to go before the Workshop in Turin.

"Mettiamo in Gioco la Città - Gamification Urbana e Cittadini Giocatori"*is the title of a (kind of semionerd) Workshop to be held in Turin the 7th of May.
As the head of the organizing committee i couldn't be prouder: thanks to a grant from the Fondazione Fondo Ricerca e Talenti we have been able to invite many awesome speakers and the number of registered participants is higher than expected!

 Here you can check the Facebook page of the event! The program will be the following:

09:00 Opening remarks by Ugo Volli.
09:30 Peppino Ortoleva: “Esperienza urbana e ludicità contemporanea”.
10:15 Atelier. Participants: Eleonora Chiais, Alessandra Chiàppori, Vincenzo Idone Cassone, Gabriele Marino, Marta Milia, Elsa Soro, Simona Stano, Mattia Thibault, Federica Turco.
13:00 Lunch break.
14:00 Gabriele Ferri: "Playmakers. Finzione, interazione e gioco di ruolo nella costruzione di spazi pubblici".
14:45 Agata Meneghelli: "Percorsi aumentati: il ruolo della narrazione nelle app ludiche geolocalizzate".
15:30 Fabio Viola: "Playable city: il gioco come strumento di cambiamento".
16:15 Coffee break.
16:30 Mauro Salvador: "Dotventi e Media mutations 7: il design partecipativo di un conference game".
17:15 Round table. Chair: Fabio Viola. Participants: Riccardo Fassone, Guido Ferraro, Marco Mazzaglia e Agata Meneghelli.
18:30 Conclusions by Massimo Leone.

Needless to say, some of these names belong to the most important game scholars in Italy!

The workshop will be also availabe in streaming here, and the video will then go on the youtube channel of Lexia (international semiotic journal).

We are also planning to publish the proceedings...

I'll keep you updated here on the blog!


*Translated: "Let's bring the city into play - Urban gamification and player-citizens"

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